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"We make our own monsters, then fear them for what they show us about ourselves."

Mike Carey, The Unwritten, Vol.1: Tommy Taylor and the Bogus Identity

Dylan Blowe as Succubus
Jenni Camhi as Dragon
Saber Chadili as Enmu
Alesha Garcia as Unicorn
Sophie Gray as Werewolf
Juliana Hubbard as Selkie
Jude Juarez-Perez as Quetzalcoatl
Taron Lilly as Babadook
Sierra McCollum as Siren
Angela Nelson as Werewolf
Iris Newlin as Sad Men With Too Many Eyes
Alys Parker as Hoop Snake
Harper Reese as Slime Cube
Lideah Shivley as Dracula
Kaya Simpson as The Crawling Eye
Maira Vandiver as Dragon
Nastia Webber as Werewolf
Meghan Curley as PacMan Ghost
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